Oilpatch Love!
Currently, I work out in the oil patch and my time takes me away from home. I am choosing to work out here for the time being so that I have the finances to fuel my passion.
At first, I had some big hesitations about letting my co-workers know what I was up to and I didn’t want to feel like anyone else was going to squash my dream. So, I kept things hidden and worked in silence on building up DannyBoy. Deep down, I wanted to let everyone know what I was doing.
One day, I had worn one of my hats to work. It was a light camo hat with white embroidery and had gotten asked where I picked the hat up from. Due to the beliefs and guardians I have created over the years, my wall went up. I was terrified that they would laugh at me or tell me my dream and journey was stupid. Initially, I just said that it was my hat that I had gotten done up just for fun.
As time went on and I explained to people what the mission of DannyBoy is, I gained more and more support. People were asking for stickers and how they can get their hands on a hat as they really liked how the logo looked.
Yes, we had a few laughs over the fact that the logo has a certain look to it.
These guys I work with all grabbed hats and sent me a picture right before Christmas. They even took it up a step and gave me their own take on a DannyBoy sign.
I am extremely grateful for the support I have received with building this brand.
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