My little store
This is what my view looked like after all of my initial product had come in!
I sat in my office staring at all the boxes and it made me feel like I had way more than I knew what to do with. The initial idea was that I would get rid of all the existing stock to make room for the new stock that had come in and keep using that method as my inventory grew.
Well, my suppliers came through a lot faster than I could have imagined! Instead of having 1 order of hoodies, I had gotten two within days of each other and suddenly has 20 boxes!
So, after a little spring clean up ( who am I kidding- it was a lot of spring cleaning) in the closet and some rearranging another closet in the house, I was able to make it work! The beautiful part is that I found things that I had long forgotten about so it was as if I was doing a treasure hunt as I was doing the moving!
Move this box here! Take these clothes here! What the heck is that?
After it was all said and done, I stood there and looked in amazement and love as it hit me that this is another step towards my dream and passion coming to life!
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